Dec 8, 2019

The Righteous Response- The Story of Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25)
By: Russ Brechbiel
Series: Repurpose/Restory/Redeem
"Joseph was a righteous man," but what does that really look like and how did it get tested in the life of Jesus' adoptive father. Today we look at what it means to obey God when it tests us in ways we aren't sure we can handle.
- Dec 8, 2019The Righteous Response- The Story of Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25)
Dec 8, 2019The Righteous Response- The Story of Joseph (Matthew 1:18-25)By: Russ BrechbielSeries: Repurpose/Restory/Redeem"Joseph was a righteous man," but what does that really look like and how did it get tested in the life of Jesus' adoptive father. Today we look at what it means to obey God when it tests us in ways we aren't sure we can handle.
- Nov 17, 2019Nicodemus- “Getting Unstuck”
Nov 17, 2019Nicodemus- “Getting Unstuck”By: Russ BrechbielSeries: Repurpose/Restory/RedeemWe get three different opportunities to peek into the life of Nicodemus in the book of John (John 3, 7, and 19). What we see is a man who had gotten stuck in religiosity, but had an increasing desire to know what Jesus really had to offer, and in the process of seeking the truth, Nicodemus became unstuck, finding new life and forgiveness.
- Oct 27, 2019When Opportunity Knocks- The Story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-10
Oct 27, 2019When Opportunity Knocks- The Story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-10By: Russ BrechbielSeries: Repurpose/Restory/RedeemJesus was just passing through Jericho, but Zacchaeus, a rich, short, despised tax-collector, was not going to let the opportunity pass him by to catch a glimpse of the miracle worker everyone was taking about. But what he got was so much more than he could have imagined. When opportunity knocked, Zacchaeus opened the door. What about the opportunities in front of you to experience more of Jesus in your life? How much of God do you want? How much does he want for you?
- May 6, 2018What Makes a Hero…Sacrifice
May 6, 2018What Makes a Hero…SacrificeBy: Russ BrechbielSeries: What Makes a Hero?As we conclude the sermon series, "What Makes a Hero", the last character trait we are going to look at is, Sacrifice. What is God asking you to sacrifice? God ask His son, Jesus to give up his life as a sacrifice for us. Mark 10:45 says, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his as a ransom for many". We are called to serve. Paul says in Ephesians 5, we are to walk in the way of love, just like Christ loved us and gave his life for us. Walk in the way in love and love like Christ loves us.
- Apr 29, 2018What Makes a Hero…Power
Apr 29, 2018What Makes a Hero…PowerBy: Russ BrechbielSeries: What Makes a Hero?If you could have any superpower, what would it be? What would be the purpose of that power? "With great power, comes great responsibility". Today, we looked at how all power has a purpose. Ephesians 3:20 says, Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." We have a chance to partake in this power, by trusting Him, humbling ourselves, asking Him, and pushing ourselves.
- Apr 15, 2018What Makes a Hero…Honor
Apr 15, 2018What Makes a Hero…HonorBy: Russ BrechbielSeries: What Makes a Hero?As we continue our sermon series, "What Makes a Hero?". The next trait we look at is Honor. Pastor Russ, asks you a question, "What is your reputation?" Through a set of different superhero clips, we see the progression from someone who has no honor, to an individual that would give up their life because of it. "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). Christ is the ultimate example of honor. So, examine yourself and ask the question, who are you when all is stripped away? And remember this, your reputation REpresenting Christ.
- Apr 8, 2018What Makes a Hero…Courage
Apr 8, 2018What Makes a Hero…CourageBy: Russ BrechbielSeries: What Makes a Hero?As we begin our new series, "What Makes a Hero?" we start by talking about courage. Paul writes that he will not be ashamed of Christ but will have courage to exalt Christ whether by life or by death. "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Being courageous is not an easy thing. Paul was in prison because of his courage for Christ. Sometimes, the most courageous thing you can do is to show up when you feel like shutting down.
- Mar 18, 2018Victory in Christ
Mar 18, 2018Victory in ChristBy: Russ Brechbiel"We are the Champions, my friends!" How many times have you heard that song connected to an athletic accomplishment or great victory? What about a sense of triumph or victory to your walk with God? Do you feel like an overcomer? Paul writes that we are more than conquerors through Christ. Today, we see how John describes our faith as having equipped us to overcome the world. Is your faith giving you victory in your life?
- Mar 11, 2018Confident Assurance
Mar 11, 2018Confident AssuranceBy: Russ BrechbielHave you ever had second guesses or doubts about your faith? John addresses this In fact, he encourages and shows us how we can walk in a confident assurance of our faith. In this message we look at how we can be confident in God's truth as well as in His love.
- Sep 17, 2017Trusting in God’s Goodness- James 1:1-18
Sep 17, 2017Trusting in God’s Goodness- James 1:1-18By: Russ BrechbielSeries: A Study in JamesIf God is good and generously wants to share with us His best for us, why do we have so much trouble trusting Him when life gets tough? Dig in with us to the first chapter of this letter penned by Jesus' brother, a man who fully trusted in God's goodness, demonstrated by his dependence and life of prayer.